
Booking Enquiry

Chestertons Polo in the Park - Official Ladies Day After Party


About this Event

Do 'Ladies' Day' in style with cocktails on the terrace, music on the dancefloor and champagne on ice!

Chestertons Polo in the Park has grown year on year and attracts over 30,000 over the weekend in Hurlingham Park! This year Embargo Republica opens it’s doors to the Official Chestertons Polo in the Park Ladies Day after party on Saturday 10th June.

For this momentous occasion we are opening our doors early (8pm) with a special discount of £5 entry for all wristband and ticket holders until 11pm.

Join our guestlist for discount entry or reserve a table in our VIP room to enjoy complimentary entry and queue jump with one of our fantastic hostesses!

Visit www.embargorepublica.com or email promotions@embargorepublica.com to book online.

For further Polo details visit Chestertons Polo in the Park 2017.

Purchase your event day tickets online at https://goo.gl/75EP5O using our exclusive discount code 'EMBARGOPOLO'.

#Chestertons #PolointhePark #LadiesDay #AfterParty

18+ venue, 21+ Saturdays - no ID/no entry

Embargo Republica, 533 Kings Road 533 Kings Road, Chelsea, Greater London SW10 0TZ