
Booking Enquiry

A-Level Results Party at Kooky Doncaster


About this Event

Celebrate or commiserate your A-LEVEL RESULTS @ Kooky Doncaster (11pm-6am!!) Don't forget to wear your SCHOOL UNIFORM for cheaper entry & show your RESULTS to the DJ to win PRIZES!

TWO ROOMS OF MUSIC featuring a Massive 3D Digital Wall, CO2 Cannons, Lasers, Pyrotechnics, VIP Booths & Epic Sound & Lights

EVOLUTION ROOM (Main Room) DJ MATTY HEARN & DJ GLEN BLACKBURN playing Chart, Dance, Rock ‘n’ Indie & Cheesy Student Anthems

ASYLUM ROOM (Urban Room) DJ PICKALO playing smooth & sexy RnB

FREAKY £6 DRINK COMBOS (£7 after 1am)

3 x VK, Bud, Corona, Amigos, Peroni or Becks

2 x Kooky Cocktail Flasks (250ml) // 3 x Wine (125ml)

PLUS £3.50 Double Vodka Mixer, £1 Test Tubes, £1.50 J-Bombs, £1.20 Double Up On Spirits, £8 Mega Dry Ice Cocktail Flasks


Get on the guest list now by ATTENDING THE EVENT & adding your name & the amount of guests for FREE ENTRY b4 12am, £2 b4 1,30am or £3 after!


Why not make your night even more special by booking one of our KOOKY VIP BOOTHS? Message us for more details or call 01302 344252 and ask about our PACKAGE DEALS!

DOOR POLICY 10.30pm-6am

Dress to impress, no sportswear, under 25’s must show ID

Kooky Nightclub Doncaster, 16 Silver Street (Formerly Trilogy) 16 Silver Street (Formerly Trilogy), Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN1 1HQ