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GLAM | Day of the Dead


About this Event

Dia De Los Muertos!

The roots of the Day of the Dead, celebrated in contemporary Mexico and among those of Mexican heritage in the United States and around the world, go back some 3,000 years, to the rituals honoring the dead in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. The Aztecs and other Nahua people living in what is now central Mexico held a cyclical view of the universe, and saw death as an integral, ever-present part of life.

All Hallows' Eve is known around the globe as the Day of the Dead. For the circling evil spirits, rising zombies and all creatures of the night, it's the biggest & most terrifying night of the year. So we'll be throwing the most gruesome party of the decade!

We'll be bringing the terror to all the ghouls & gremlins of Gloucester this year...

Here's a little taste of what we've got in store:

- Prizes for best costumes

- Chilling Halloween Venue Decor

- Creepy CO2 Blasts

- Ghastly Glowsticks

- Eerie Confetti Drops

Glam guestlist:

Free entry with first drink of your choice for free*

Before 11.30pm

Text GLAM + NAMES to: 07788 785 355

Drink Offers:

The best deals all weekend...

£2.50 - Bottles of VK

£2.50 - Smirnoff and Mixers

£4.00 - Double Vodka and RedBulll (£3 Singles)

£3.00 - Morgan Spiced / JD + Mixers

£3.00 - Stella

£2.50 - Tequila

The finest resident DJ's in the county with the best choice of music over 2 Rooms.

ATIK: R&b and urban with DJ Juicy

Vinyl: Dance and chart with DJ Si Ellis✓ Spark steam pyro

✓ Confetti showers

✓ CO2 blasts

- The UK's finest club decor

- Get your picture taken from our professional photographer

- The finest crowds in the county

Thousands of giveaways every week...

- Glow Sticks

- Glam Balloons

- LED Batons

- Lollipops

- Glow Bracelets

- Glam Merchandise

Birthday week!? Bring your ID for free bubbly on arrival!

VIP Experience:

For VIP information text us on: 07788 785 355

VIP experience including complimentary entry, exclusive seating area, table service, all mixers, priority entry and a wide range discounted bottles available.

Stay Connected:

❤ The Glam Team 

#Glam #GlamFridays #GlamGloucester

ATIK Gloucester, 141 Eastgate Street 141 Eastgate Street, Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL1 1QB