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Rick Astley | Greatest Hits Show


About this Event

Presented by Banquet Records

To celebrate the release of his new greatest hits album The Best Of Me, the legendary Rick Astley returns to Kingston to play a career-spanning set at PRYZM.

This new collection has the old hits sitting alongside recent fan favourites such as ‘Keep Singing’, ‘Angels On My Side’ and ‘Try’. The opening track ‘Every One of Us’ is a brand new song and there’s a new ‘Pianoforte’ take on ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’. Disc two (CD only) sees Rick create ‘re-imagined’ interpretations of his songs.

Expecting times of doors at 8:00pm with Rick Astley on stage at 9:00pm.

PRYZM is all ages for this show, but any under 14s must be accompanied by an adult.

Over 18s should bring PHOTO ID (driving license / passport).

CD+ticket is £25.00 post-paid and other formats and combos will be available.

Tickets available via: https://banquetrecords.com

PRYZM Kingston, 154-156 Clarence Street 154-156 Clarence Street, Kingston Upon Thames, Greater London KT1 1QP