
Booking Enquiry

Slade UK


About this Event

#Free before 9pm...£4 after.

Free all night with a #Student card.

Since arriving on the #tribute scene as “#SlydeAlive” #SladeUK have left fans open mouthed with the accuracy of their show. Once thought impossible,#Slade UK recreate the experience of a real Slade show with all the power of the original band. Once seen, never forgotten. Relive a time when #Noddy and the lads were the best live #rocknroll band in the world.

Highlights so far – being chosen to open for the legendary Roy Wood of #Wizzard on his 2013 #Christmas tour, appearing on the main stage of Tribfest 2014, meeting Don Powell and finding out Mr #NoddyHolder himself approves.

Telford's Warehouse, Tower Wharf Tower Wharf, Chester, Cheshire CH1 4EZ